About Us
In the face of the many global challenges towards our natural environment today, the market is becoming more sensitized to products and services that contain “green” and “environmentally friendly attributes”, opening up a hierarchy of initiatives and strategies to enhance productivity and environmental performance for overall socio-economic development.
The increasing awareness of this green issue has created a critical mass that warrants a necessary platform which can bring together various environmental initiatives to be translated into economic realities.
Taking cognizance of the strategic importance of green technology and environmental principals in the national economic agenda, Malaysian Green Business Association (MAGBA) was established on 25 August 2011 as a trade organization to help promote all forms of green business, eco-products and services provided by businesses of different natures, including manufacturing, trading, procurement, marketing, training, capacity building, research and development and all other related business and activities.
With its formation, the Green business communities will have ready resources and supports at their disposal to sustain and benefit from the rapid green growth anticipated worldwide, thus ensuring their full participation and linkages in the Green Economy. They can also exploit this platform to widen their networks and plug deeper into the global grid that eventually leads to the formation of strategic alliances with the green business communities around the world. This shall be at all times based on information exchange and sharing of the green technology and expertise.